Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's own Subculture

These were just some videos I found when I Youtubed "coffee". It shows how it isn't all about the drink. It also shows how coffee has affected our gereration and how it is used as something more than a drink.

This one is from Scrubs.

This is a really creepy commercial I found.

What they don't tell you is there were actually hallucinogens in it No not really I'm Kidding. It was just weird.

I wish this would happen rather than all my money dissapear when I buy coffee

It's Beaker!!

Okay that gives you an idea if nothing else. There are a ton of otherways coffee is its own subculture.

A Night Visit

This last Saturday I went to the Mt Cup around 11:30 or midnight. It was interesting. There were people using the outside tables which I thought was strange since it was so cold. Then I realized I was standing around outside even though it was cold so we'll go with it wasn't weird at all. I followed a huge crowd of people in. Most if not all went straight, that's upstairs to Motini's. I guessed that's where they were going. They were all wearing mini skirts and pretty tops as well as high heals.
There were only 2 people in the coffee room but the lounge was packed. Some seemed happy but I watched as several of them glared enviously at those going up. I understood what they were feeling. There was a metallic blond haired girl behind the counter. I looked over and she wasn't helping anyone. Her eyes were huge and she sipped on a large cup of coffee. I didn't know if she looked like a deer in head lights because it was her first night or because she was wired. I would assume wired because I don't see that they would have a newbie working alone on a Saturday night.

My friend and I sat in the coffee room since the lounge was so full. There was an almost constant stream of people going up to Motini's and a few coming down. ( A little wobbly I might add). We didn't stay long because it was a scene mostly for the 21 year olds. It was fun to see though. You know business has to be good for them, a bar upstairs and coffee down stairs. I bet they have really good coffee drinks upstairs.

So that was my night time experience. It was fun and very different from the day trips I've taken.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Mary is a quiet pretty girl who brought a whole new dynamic to my interviews. Where as Katie and Shiana were outgoing and forthcoming (for the most part) Mary was a bit of the opposite. She was very quiet, to the point that I could barley hear her even though I was sitting right next her. I had to ask her to repeat herself a few times.

The first thing I noticed about Mary was that she was sitting alone. I don't know if I noticed this because of her very pink sweater overlapped by her very blond hair or just because she was on her computer. I know they are normal in coffee shops but I always have to take a second glance to make sure they have a personal computer with them and they can just walk away with it.

She didn't seem overly thrilled to do an interview with me but she said yes. I have a feeling she just wanted to stay on Facebook. I made a note that she stayed on it and only made eye contact with me if she was talking. I don't view her poorly for this, like I said she brought a new dynamic to my interviews.

She said that she felt very comfortable with the Mt Cup and thought it was a good place to take her niece. "I like to come here a lot. I know I can come by myself or with my niece or my friends. It's a safe feeling here."

When I asked what her first impression of the Mt Cup was she said, "A friendly place but intimidated me by how many people were here. You know, just it was so popular."
I understood what she meant. The first time I visited the Mt cup it wasn't as busy so it was very intimidating to go back on a day it was packed.

Something else I found significant about my conversation with Mary was she was the first person to mention a thing about coffee. "The Mt Cup gives people a place to join together and have really good coffee at really good price."

Finally! Weeks in a coffee shop and they mentioned coffee without me asking!

I probably looked weird because i did a double take when she said that.


My conversation with Mary was useful because she was so different to Katie and Shiana. It also helped solidify my idea that a coffee house has very little to do with the coffee. Her mentioning coffee just made it click for me. The coffee is just a bonus, it's the atmosphere and people that make it worth going. I think this might be the idea I go with for my final paper. This idea was kind of there before I spoke with Mary but she just proved it for me.

While the interview was a little strange I got some good things out of it. She was shy and what I call socially challenged. I say this because i had to endure a conversation where the only time she looked at me was when she was talking. Other than that she was on facebook. I liked this only because it may connect to those who are not as outgoing as Katie and Shiana. She was also by herself so people didn't think you had to go solely for social events. It's an everything place and she was an example of that.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Shiana's interview

This is just an example so you can see how my interviews were set up. The blogger is being difficult so this is the onlypaper I've been able to get up, but now you have an example.


Thursday, March 20, 2008


It is late afternoon and it is windy and cold outside. The inside is welcoming and I see two girls behind the counter moving at warp speed. There are three people waiting for their orders and a car at the drive through. I wait and look around to see if there is anything else going on. I decide even though they are busy I will interview them first because I knew it would only get busier.
Sometimes while I am being a fly on the wall I forget people can see me just as plainly as I can see them. I felt a little stupid when I realized one of the girls behind the counter was asking me if I needed anything for the second time.
“Yes, I do actually. It’s kinda weird-“
“Uh-oh,” the curly haired girl said, “I don’t do weird.”
I just laughed a little trying to figure out if she was joking or not. She added a smile at the end but I still wasn’t sure.
“I am doing a paper for my English class and I need some interviews. I was wondering if I could interview you.”
I had hoped for a simple yes with maybe a smile. I would have even been fine with a less than enthusiastic “sure”. That wasn’t what I got. Instead I was interviewed.
“What’s the paper on? Why do you need to interview me? Who are you? What does this have to do with the Mt Cup?”
I understood where she was coming from but didn’t really want to be on the other side of the interview. I knew this might happen though. That was one of the good things about having an interview planed rather than ambushing. I got annoyed by the interviews that were set but never seemed to work out. So I explained and the other girl behind the counter was listening. She seemed interested but kept working on the drive through orders.
Finaly the girl I was talking to said yes. Her name was Katie. I wasn’t sure I would even be able to get that out of her so I didn’t press her or any one else for their last name. She was nice but this was the set up to the rest of my conversation with her. She did get better as Shiana got involved. She never let her gaurd down all the way though.

Useful Things

She was a little difficult but gave me good answers
When I asked what the Mt cup does for the communite she gave me examples.
"We donate alot of gift certificats and do a lot of benefits upstair. The wine tasting money went to a chuch" she paused and looked confused, "somewhere. I don't know where." It was a good enough answer for me. I did kind of like that she was so diffrent compared to Shiana. It gave a diffrent point of view to the people at the Mt Cup. She was just nervous I think.


I had seen her in the Mt Cup before but never spoke with her. When I went to in to do interviews she was the largest presence there. She has short hair, like a bob. It is brown with blond highlights and today was wearing a black head band. She was wearing a pretty black shirt. I was interviewing another person and she kept chirping in. She came in at the part where I asked Katie, the other worker, what kind of people they noticed regularly come in. Katie said "unique people mostly-"
"I'm one of those unique people!"she almost shouted. She had a big smile that made her nose and lip ring more noticeable. I liked her almost instantly.
She was very easy to talk to and welcomed me as a regular. It seemed that was her word for family. She obviously loved her job and the people she met. She also worked at Motini's which is upstairs. Something I found interesting about her was that she made no mention of the coffee as being a reason to come to the Mt Cup. It was all about the atmosphere and friendliness. The other thing was she wanted to talk about cars with me. I am slightly retarded in that category so that didn't work to well. She likes everything about cars though. that is one of the things she does at the Mt Cup.

Here is a hard copy of the interview. I didn't have a recorder so it is a little sloppy but legible. I also wrote the paper right after my interviews so I had more to remember about their body language and what they said that I couldn't write down. Well maybe I will get it up later since blogger wont let me do it now.

What I thought was most useful about this interview was how open she was. She just jumped right in there an actually wanted to be a part of it. As I was walking away after teh interviews she goes "aw now I feel important!" She was also very informative. She had no problems telling me what she thought of the place and liked that her oppionon mattered. She was really the spirit of what goes on at the Mt cup I thought.

Monday, March 10, 2008

No Luck

I was not able to get any interviews in before spring break and since I am not in Muncie now I wont be able to until after break. It's not a big deal, just annoying. I know it will still be there when I return. I think I am going to give up on the planning of an interview and just walk in when I know it wont be busy to talk to the employees. I will talk to some people in South Bend just to see what their thoughts are on coffee and stuff like that. So hopefully the next time I update I will have something worth updating about.

Monday, March 3, 2008


My dates are still kind of up in the air.
I know I will have at least one interview this Thursday. Hopefully I will have another this Wednesday but if not I know I will be able to finish all of my interviews in the week after spring break. With break coming up no one really wanted to make a for sure date it seemed like.
I know I will try to intervie Terri. I may try Liz but I have not been able to get ahold of her. And for the third interview I want to interview a customer. This may mean I have to interview more than three people because I would like to try and get a regular. This way I would get interviews with both the insider and outsider prospective. Just making anything certain is proving to be a pain.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coffee Lingo

Here are a few Major words I've heard and link to The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors.
Words of the Coffee House

• Tall – the smallest cup size
• Grande – The medium cup
• Venti – The Largest cup
• Mocha – coffee and chocolate
• Latte -A drink made by pulling a shot of espresso into a cup and filling it up with steamed milk, topping it off with foam (The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors)
• Barista –the person who makes the coffee
• Breve – means the coffee is made with half and half, not milk
• A Double – has two shots of espresso
• Espresso - An extremely strong method of brewing coffee that involves forcing high-pressure hot water through finely ground, dark-roasted coffee. The resulting shot actually has less caffeine than the typical cup of regular drip coffee, despite what you may have heard. (The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Space Analysis

As you walk in there is a smell of coffee and baked foods. The color is a relaxing earthy tone set by the dim light. Instead of being faced with a room as you would expect you are greeted by a stairs leading up to motinis. To the left is the cafe. To the right is the lounge. The cafe floor is multi-colored with tiles. The tiles have deep earthy colors. The counter runs like an L through the cafe. Along the left wall is where they keep the coffee. They are stored in beautiful golden holders. They look antique. On the counter infront of that wall are the machines to make the coffee. The long L part of the counter is where they have food and where they get bagles ready.

Behind that part of the counter is another room where the cooking that requires a stove is done. It is where breakfast and sandwiches are made. That room has bright white colors. The faces that dwell back there pop out to see the man next to me. They are happy and like his hat. I thought that was funny.

Facing towords entrance is a small section that has self serve coffee in thermuses.

Now we venture to the lounge. It's a cool place. Most coffee houses try to do the homey thing where it's inviting and they want you to stay for hours on end. This place actually accomplishes that. There is a fire place in the far left corner. Next to it are two peach colored arm chairs that look as inviting as a story book picture. On the wall next to it is a green sofa. That is also a comfortable place. Throughout the room are several tables and chairs. I think if all of those chairs were full it would be as packed as it could get. Before the sofa and fire place you have to go down a ramp. On the wall of the ramp is a section of pictures. They are pictures of customers and drawings that young children have done. At least I am hoping they were done by younger people.

After that are two tables seperated by two large windows. When the some comes into the room it truely seems like a home rather than a coffee shop. Spirits are lifted and generally a good vibe is felt. Wheather it is from caffiene in insain amounts or the sunshine I don't know. I just know I want to stay there and eat a bagle. (which are phanominal by the way)

On the wall facing the stairs is a bathroom. Several tables are scattered in the are as well. The other wall has a beautiful stain glass window of yellow and orange blocks. When the sun comes in through there a calmer mood seems to take place, but it is still a happy one.

Things I forgot:
Drive through window in Cafe
The stairs to the emergancy exit in Lounge
The wall with the menu in cafe
What's on the menu
The refridgerater along the wall in the cafe(for pops etc.)

Photos on last Blog

With this blog I went with the feeling of the place. I thought that was an important because the feeling is a big part of the coffee house. The colors I thought were a big thing to that. The colors were lively yet relaxing. I thought this made for a very homey and comfortable setting so I made that my focus.

I may be biased because I think coffee houses are a good and normally safe place. Also being a nineteen year old female I may be bias.

The fire place

The fireplace rests in a corner. There is a lamp next to it. The two orange chairs each have tables next them. They are set up so that if two people choose to have a conversation they can be face to face or have their privacy. It is the part of the room that the eye is first drawn to even though it's in a corner. It sets the tone of the entire lounge.

THe only conflict I can see it creating is too many people want to sit there.
It is important because it really makes the place feel like home.

Inside the Mt Cup

So here is the deal with the photos. The outside sofa, while dirty was just interesting to me. I bet it is a big hit in the spring.

The bookshelf is next to the fireplace. It is just a very homey setting.

The stairway is going up to Motini's, it's the first thing you see when you walk in the door.

I did the floor because the colors also help the homey feel. The dog was also a plus.

The photo witht he ATM is the best angle I was able to get of the cafe section since they don't want the one wall taken. You can also see the drive through window in the back.

The menu just shows that they have a LOT to offer. In it is Alyse Dionne. I like that you can get a small coffee for three dollars then a full meal for $3.25.

The rest of the photos have paintings and photos that decorate the Mt Cup. They, like the green sofa, are just another way to make the place homey.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another Visit

I went into the Mt Cup today and it was very successful. Not only did I get the questions I wanted to know answered, I got pictures and new information.

I went in and the place was packed. This was at 3:30 in the afternoon on Saturday. So now I know when is a good time to go and talk to people for interviews. That's one down.

The other was when are they going to have a performer. Unfortunatly they said they don't have any bookings because of the weather. Teri, the girl I spoke to who was working there, said she hoped to have people to perform in March. She also said that every thursday at 9:00 PM was jazz night. She said that was in Motinis, but I knew it would be already.She also gave me her name and number so I can call to see when performances would be or for anything else.

I decided to hold off on the favorites question until interview times.

She also gave me the name of the other manager and told me when they would be in.

When I asked if I could take pictures I was a little suprised to hear that I could, but not of everything. Outside was fine. Inside, I could not take pictures of the antique coffee holders. I was a little bummed about that because I thought it was the coolest thing in there. I couldn't take a picture of the main counter either. So the room where the cooking was done was greatly limited. I got a picture of the menu though. I also had to get permission to take people's pictures. Since it was packed I didn't take that many but thought it might be a good idea to get some people in. So I took 2 shots with people in it. For the most part everyone I spoke to was really nice. Some didn't want to be bothered but said they would do it. So that was nice.

I took a few pictures of what I could of the spots taht didn't have people in it. After that I decided to leave and go talk to Starbucks for my essay. I will try to take pictures there too so I can visually point out the diffrences even though I can name a few already.

Something I found very intresting from this visit was Teri said "Myles doesn't want photos taken of this wall..." So I am assuming he is still apart of the Mt Cup. I just found that intresting.

I plan to get my pictures up soon and I will put my aweful map up. Mostly for amusement. No, I figure I need to now since I couldn't really take picutes of the rooms as a whole without getting someone I didn't ask or the two things they didn't want me to take a picture of.

This makes it much easier to come up with interview questions now. I have much more than I thought I would and need to write them down. I also need to organize my findings in my note book. Lots to do from a fifteen minute visit.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things I want to get out of my next visit

I would like to get some things taken care of when I visit this weekend. These are things I want to know so I guess it is blog worthy.

1. I want to take pictures since my map is horrible.
2. I want to know what the busiest times are.
3.When they are having a performance and who is performing?
4.What would they say is the best food/coffee there?

After I find these things out I would like to be apart of it. So I would visit on the busiest time and when they had a performere and try their coffee. I think this will also help me get over my interview thing.

After that I would like to ask simlar questions to a Starbucks. See how diffrent some things are. I think that would be cool. I hope to do both this weekend.

I would also like to try and be at the Mt Cup when I do my Object/subject analysis.

Box 11

Subculture: Mt Cup

Reasons for choosing:
I like coffee and this way I would be both an insider and an outsider since I don't know the local place, but I do know coffee houses in general.

Fixed Positions:
I am a college student so my world revolves around coffee. I will automatically hold it in high standings. I am also a female and I know more females than males who like to go to coffee houses. It's a good gossip spot as you can tell from previous blogs. Schedual is also something to consider. I hope I wont miss busy times or times that had something out of the norm due to my scheduling.

Subjective Positions:
Coffee has been a part of my family since I can remember. My grandmother drinks it, my mother drinks it, my sister drinks it and my aunts drink it. It was great fun on the holidays to get up and have a morning social with a hot cup of coffee in your hands. I will view it as a social event where for the most part pleasent conversations occured. It is viewed to me as a good time.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Inside the Mt Cup

Well this weekend I actually managed to go inside and order coffee and food. I will give you a walk through then explain my personal observations and feelings towards the place.

February 3, 2008 12:15 PM

When you step through the doors you are directly in front a flight of stairs. If you just look up the stairs you can see martini glasses hanging upside-down. This is the entrance to Motinis, also created by Myles Ogea.

If you look to your left you have a the food side. Along the wall facing you there are coffee bean cases. I noticed most of them were empty. The top half of them were glass, the bottom despensers were a rusted gold color. Along that doorwas the drive-through window where a young woman was stationed with a headset and walkie talkie on. Glancing to the right of the cooking room you had a clear refrigerator which offered glass bottled pops and juices.

Both walls had counters infront of them. They were a dark cherry color.The counter along the right had the register and signs explaning specials. Straight behind this counter was a door where they prepared the food. On the counter straight a head they had the coffee makers which seemed very tall. The young woman making my coffee disapeared behind them. The drinks were made behind the counters. Looking through the door there was a sign for the sandwiches they made. I thought this was strange since the menu to the rest of the shop was beind me, next to the window that revealed University Ave. I was amazed to see that a small cup of coffee was $3.00 but the SunRise breakfast with a bagle, egg, cheese, and a choice of meet was $3.55. The walls and the desks were dark and looked like they've seen many busy days.

The floor had multiple tile types but for the most part were darker maroons and oranges. Some of the tiles were white which I found off setting. The floor looked as though it could stand a good mopping. Next to the stairs was a station to get just regular coffee. There was also a tray to put dirty dishes on. Next to that was a little wall space before the stairs which they pinned up local happenings.

Now had you walked into the door and looked to the left you would have seen almost a diffrent building. Some of the colors carreid through like the orange, cherry wood and maroon. Even some purples and blues mixed in well with the decore. The first ting I noticed was a teal couch that looked very comfortable. On it were 2 pillows and a person. To get into that room you had to walk down a ramp. Once you did that and looked at the far corner you could see a fire place with a cozy looking arm chair. They had several comfy looking chairs as well as wooden seats at tabeles. Along the wall of the ramp were pictures and photograpsh. Some looked like children drew them but the photos were mostly of college aged kids. They were just tacked on the wall with no pattern.

Along the back wall was a door placed high up. Leading to it were two wide stairs and a platform. Directly in front of the door was a chair placed on the platform. I don'tknow why it was there. Along that wall was one table for two. That is where I sat so i could see the rest of the place. I thought it was funny that there was a door and on that door was a sign that said "please leave bath room door open when not in use. Otherwise the pipes will freeze. Thank you." I thought this was funny because it was closed the entire time I was there. I was also amazed by how many doors that place thad. Next to the high door that lead outside was another door painted tan. I don't know where that one went.

The floor was carpeted with a flat grey carpet. The walls were tan and orange but not bright. The place was darker than I had imagined it. Tables and chairs littered the place with no ryme nor reason. Most of the comfortable chairs were along the walls.

So that is the map of the Mt Cup for the most part. I was not able to go up into Motinis but I have been told that I will be able too. I just can't buy booze.

While I was there I listened to the types of conversations. Two people by the fire place looked to be having an intense conversation and the woman,who was in the late thirties, was trying to explain something. The young man,who looked of college age with a multi-colored hat, would shake his head in protest. I couldn't hear what they were saying. In the middle of the room were a group of girls who wore mixed outfits and looked like this was the first stop they made this moring if they indeed had slept the previous night. They were discussing Muncie-Gras which is the only reason i suspect otherwise. They were very loud. I remember laughing when one girl was trying to make sure she heard correctly and asked "so she showed the whole boob or just some of it?" I don't remember the response. I tried to tune out of their conversation even though they were almost shouting it. That made me wonder how the older man in the corner was working so well. he had a table for four filled up with books and his back pack. He was older, and completly bald. He had a blond goatee and kept to his books. The only time he looked up was when an older women of some gerth came up and spoke to him. Her two children just stared at him while she asked how he was doing.

As for the coffee it was okay. I tried something I had never tried before, Cafe Brevier. It was half coffee and half foam. Which I didn't know would be foam since she said it would be cream. I am not a fan of the foam. So I just stirred it until the foam sank and added sugar. It was good coffee. I also got a bagle with cream cheese which I really liked.

So all in all the food was good, the service good, the set up was unique and a little run down but it was a nice coffee house. I will be excited to go back and actually start up a few interviews to see the best days to come. Mys sister said that the Mt Cup gets pretty packed sometime. That would be a day I would like to see it.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Art and Diversity of Coffee

One of the reasons I was so intrested in my subculture was because I love coffee. I think it is a creative sort of thing. Not only does the creator have to mix and blend flavors together to be pleasing, but they have to present it in a nice way. This video is just a fun video of showing how food can be art.

As I said earlier another thing to coffee is blending it. My mother got several blends for christmas. Some were great but one that sticks out particularly was the peanut butter bannana. Sounds gross and by smell alone it was aweful. I was not willing to try it.

These are the kind of thigns that make coffee houses so intresting. People are constantly changing their recipeis to try and please their customers. This is why there are such diverse groups at coffee shops. You have the business men who come to drink the "regular" coffee, the younger crowds who come for candy like coffee and then you have people who come for the social event and will try anything. Maybe banana would be a hit wiht a certain group.

I just thought that was an intresting observation and the video was a cool way to show some of the art and diversity.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Myles Ogea

While trying to find pictuers for my blog I came across several articals about the MT Cup. One article was from the Alumnus Magazine on the Ball State website. The article "Drinking from the Cup of Life" was written by Laurel Peffer. It is basically an interview with him. This is what I've discovered.

Record # 1. Myles Ogea opened the MT Cup in 1994. He opened it after recieving his Masters Degree in '94.

Response # 1. I was suprised it had been created in '94. Nor did I realize it was created by a Ball State Alumni.

Record # 2. He decided to create the MT Cup for several reasons. For one reason "he found no good breakfast resturants in the area" and figured the next thing he should do is make one. He also made it because of his love for "good food, arts, and Ball State"

Response # 2. On campus, there really isn't much for breakfast. I like that he mixed all the things he liked to make a good business.

Record # 3. He also opened a Martini bar, Motinis, which is located just avove the MT Cup. Motinis has a music lounge.

Response# 3. I am little worried that the music scene will only be upstairs. That might make it difficult to observe since it's a bar and I am 19. But it seems like he has done alot in the Ball State community and knows not everyone is able to drink so maybe it wont be that way.

Record # 4. He also believes that being a music/voice major and believes "being a music major helped me in this buisness."

Response # 4. I think it is cool that he was able to connect his major and business to create such a unique business.

The interview refrenced to was written by Laurel Peffer from the Alumni Association. the article was found on the Ball State Web site:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Free Writing In Class January 24, 2008

I am kind of excited about my topic. Coffee has always been a big thing in my family. My mother basically lives off of caffeine, nicotine, and cheese. While cheese is okay it is not my favorite thing and at the time nicotine wasn’t an option (nor do I feel overly compelled to try it out now). So naturally, the only thing left was caffeine. Being able to drink coffee was a start of being “grown up” I guess. So starting from middle school I was allowed to have one cup of coffee after school. It was also good that I actually liked my coffee. Yes I am one of those people who puts sugar and cream in it. If the opportunity arises I get chocolate coffees or caramels or basically any form of liquid candy. Since then coffee has become my life source. Once I hit high school I had one cup in the morning and one after school. Sometimes I would end up having 3 or 4 cups a day. Now in college I know that is not the healthiest thing to do so I have cut back as much as possible. I try to keep it at one cup in the morning unless it is an unusually stressful day. So now getting to research coffee houses is going to be great. A major part of coffee houses is, go figure, the coffee. While doing more research I can compare the MT cup to Starbucks and point out the differences. I know there are differences because during orientation to ball state the leader told us about it. She said avoid Starbucks because it takes away from our community to give all the profits to the man. She was an interesting individual with pink hair, a lip ring and a strange fear of monkeys that she felt the need to share with us. I am also excited to look up the history of coffee houses. I wasn’t sure there would be much but I already know from looking up possible books that many people went to coffee houses to speak their minds. They were looked down upon but continued to thrive. I think it’s interesting that even with so much changing in the world it seems like the coffee house has been around and somewhat liberal for a long time. Another thing I am interested in is maybe finding why Starbucks has mostly Business people there and local coffee houses have a totally different feel to them.

So far I have stared what I call the boring work. I have looked online for the website and found one good thing. They have a map and tells what happens there. ( Live music and breakfast and coffee. ) I will go look at the place hopefully Friday, just to make sure it will work for the project but I am pretty sure it will. Tonight I will do more web searching and maybe pick up the book with the history of coffee houses.

I am also looking forward to playing with my blog a little bit. Getting pictures on might be intresting but we will see.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ground Work

1. Possible Field Working Sites
  • Cafes or Coffee Houses
  • Undecided Majors
  • Show Choirs
  • Wood Worth Complex
  • Bracken Library


  • Cafes or coffee Houses-

To investigate this site I would observe the Mt Cup in the Village. I could also go to the White Rabbit Book Store to observe how the two interact since they are regularly referred to together. I could watch and observe in the cafe since it is okay to just sit there and work. I could interject myself by asking other customers questions and employees.

  • Wood Worth complex-

To investigate this one it wouldn't be hard. I live here. The only thing would be how to view it from an outside perspective. To do that I guess I could go on other floors and see how it differs. so that way I would actually have a good view both inside and outside.

  • Undecided Majors-

This one I would be interested in just as comfort that I am not the only one. I know a few people with an undecided major and could ask their views and compare them to people who have majors. That would be a good way to look both in and out.


With the cafe The Mt Cup, I know I would have fun with it so It would be easier to write about. I know it exists but I have never been there. I could ask people if and or why they come here rather than the Star Bucks on campus. I could ask what makes it different than other coffee houses and why they go. I can see what types of things people go for; coffee, study, social reasons or reasons I might not even know about since I've never been there.

With the Show choirs I am not sure where I would have to go abut that can account for the outside view. I will have some inner views since I've been in show choir before. I can view things like how is it different in college? I could ask people what they thought of it and if they were in high school show choir what they thought was different.

With the undecided major I don't think I would have to go anywhere special. I could just ask around at food places or study lounges. I could have the inside view since I am undecided. I can compare how people view school to people who have majors. Are they more or less dedicated to their work? Are they actively looking for a major? What made them choose the major they did? It could be interesting

4. I think The Mt Cup would be the best thing. I know from going to Starbucks that coffee houses are like communities. People are accepting and they all have one thing in common, they like coffee. (Coffee lovers are always fun people.) I will have a totally outside view so I can learn the inside view as I go and have a better paper. It will put me on the same page as my readers when they are reading it so that will be interesting I think.

The Mt Cup it is!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Box 1

In this subculture we have a small group of men and women who travel around to sing and dance. These people break away from the larger crowds to perform. This mesh of strangers must learn to not only work with others, but care for them. They must forget themselves as an individual and merge together to become a show, being nothing more than a character. They are also required to dress in uniform. The uniforms for both the men and women are sparkly and deep red. The men of the group must act as men, being kind and have a strong presence. The women must act as ladies, with curtsies and smiles glued to their faces. At the end of the day this subculture disperses, returning to their individual selves and returning to the cultures right outside the auditorium doors.