Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ground Work

1. Possible Field Working Sites
  • Cafes or Coffee Houses
  • Undecided Majors
  • Show Choirs
  • Wood Worth Complex
  • Bracken Library


  • Cafes or coffee Houses-

To investigate this site I would observe the Mt Cup in the Village. I could also go to the White Rabbit Book Store to observe how the two interact since they are regularly referred to together. I could watch and observe in the cafe since it is okay to just sit there and work. I could interject myself by asking other customers questions and employees.

  • Wood Worth complex-

To investigate this one it wouldn't be hard. I live here. The only thing would be how to view it from an outside perspective. To do that I guess I could go on other floors and see how it differs. so that way I would actually have a good view both inside and outside.

  • Undecided Majors-

This one I would be interested in just as comfort that I am not the only one. I know a few people with an undecided major and could ask their views and compare them to people who have majors. That would be a good way to look both in and out.


With the cafe The Mt Cup, I know I would have fun with it so It would be easier to write about. I know it exists but I have never been there. I could ask people if and or why they come here rather than the Star Bucks on campus. I could ask what makes it different than other coffee houses and why they go. I can see what types of things people go for; coffee, study, social reasons or reasons I might not even know about since I've never been there.

With the Show choirs I am not sure where I would have to go abut that can account for the outside view. I will have some inner views since I've been in show choir before. I can view things like how is it different in college? I could ask people what they thought of it and if they were in high school show choir what they thought was different.

With the undecided major I don't think I would have to go anywhere special. I could just ask around at food places or study lounges. I could have the inside view since I am undecided. I can compare how people view school to people who have majors. Are they more or less dedicated to their work? Are they actively looking for a major? What made them choose the major they did? It could be interesting

4. I think The Mt Cup would be the best thing. I know from going to Starbucks that coffee houses are like communities. People are accepting and they all have one thing in common, they like coffee. (Coffee lovers are always fun people.) I will have a totally outside view so I can learn the inside view as I go and have a better paper. It will put me on the same page as my readers when they are reading it so that will be interesting I think.

The Mt Cup it is!

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