Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Night Visit

This last Saturday I went to the Mt Cup around 11:30 or midnight. It was interesting. There were people using the outside tables which I thought was strange since it was so cold. Then I realized I was standing around outside even though it was cold so we'll go with it wasn't weird at all. I followed a huge crowd of people in. Most if not all went straight, that's upstairs to Motini's. I guessed that's where they were going. They were all wearing mini skirts and pretty tops as well as high heals.
There were only 2 people in the coffee room but the lounge was packed. Some seemed happy but I watched as several of them glared enviously at those going up. I understood what they were feeling. There was a metallic blond haired girl behind the counter. I looked over and she wasn't helping anyone. Her eyes were huge and she sipped on a large cup of coffee. I didn't know if she looked like a deer in head lights because it was her first night or because she was wired. I would assume wired because I don't see that they would have a newbie working alone on a Saturday night.

My friend and I sat in the coffee room since the lounge was so full. There was an almost constant stream of people going up to Motini's and a few coming down. ( A little wobbly I might add). We didn't stay long because it was a scene mostly for the 21 year olds. It was fun to see though. You know business has to be good for them, a bar upstairs and coffee down stairs. I bet they have really good coffee drinks upstairs.

So that was my night time experience. It was fun and very different from the day trips I've taken.

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