Thursday, March 20, 2008


I had seen her in the Mt Cup before but never spoke with her. When I went to in to do interviews she was the largest presence there. She has short hair, like a bob. It is brown with blond highlights and today was wearing a black head band. She was wearing a pretty black shirt. I was interviewing another person and she kept chirping in. She came in at the part where I asked Katie, the other worker, what kind of people they noticed regularly come in. Katie said "unique people mostly-"
"I'm one of those unique people!"she almost shouted. She had a big smile that made her nose and lip ring more noticeable. I liked her almost instantly.
She was very easy to talk to and welcomed me as a regular. It seemed that was her word for family. She obviously loved her job and the people she met. She also worked at Motini's which is upstairs. Something I found interesting about her was that she made no mention of the coffee as being a reason to come to the Mt Cup. It was all about the atmosphere and friendliness. The other thing was she wanted to talk about cars with me. I am slightly retarded in that category so that didn't work to well. She likes everything about cars though. that is one of the things she does at the Mt Cup.

Here is a hard copy of the interview. I didn't have a recorder so it is a little sloppy but legible. I also wrote the paper right after my interviews so I had more to remember about their body language and what they said that I couldn't write down. Well maybe I will get it up later since blogger wont let me do it now.

What I thought was most useful about this interview was how open she was. She just jumped right in there an actually wanted to be a part of it. As I was walking away after teh interviews she goes "aw now I feel important!" She was also very informative. She had no problems telling me what she thought of the place and liked that her oppionon mattered. She was really the spirit of what goes on at the Mt cup I thought.

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