Thursday, February 14, 2008

Box 11

Subculture: Mt Cup

Reasons for choosing:
I like coffee and this way I would be both an insider and an outsider since I don't know the local place, but I do know coffee houses in general.

Fixed Positions:
I am a college student so my world revolves around coffee. I will automatically hold it in high standings. I am also a female and I know more females than males who like to go to coffee houses. It's a good gossip spot as you can tell from previous blogs. Schedual is also something to consider. I hope I wont miss busy times or times that had something out of the norm due to my scheduling.

Subjective Positions:
Coffee has been a part of my family since I can remember. My grandmother drinks it, my mother drinks it, my sister drinks it and my aunts drink it. It was great fun on the holidays to get up and have a morning social with a hot cup of coffee in your hands. I will view it as a social event where for the most part pleasent conversations occured. It is viewed to me as a good time.

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