Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Coffee Lingo

Here are a few Major words I've heard and link to The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors.
Words of the Coffee House

• Tall – the smallest cup size
• Grande – The medium cup
• Venti – The Largest cup
• Mocha – coffee and chocolate
• Latte -A drink made by pulling a shot of espresso into a cup and filling it up with steamed milk, topping it off with foam (The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors)
• Barista –the person who makes the coffee
• Breve – means the coffee is made with half and half, not milk
• A Double – has two shots of espresso
• Espresso - An extremely strong method of brewing coffee that involves forcing high-pressure hot water through finely ground, dark-roasted coffee. The resulting shot actually has less caffeine than the typical cup of regular drip coffee, despite what you may have heard. (The Coffee House Dictionary by Brian Connors)


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