Monday, February 25, 2008

Space Analysis

As you walk in there is a smell of coffee and baked foods. The color is a relaxing earthy tone set by the dim light. Instead of being faced with a room as you would expect you are greeted by a stairs leading up to motinis. To the left is the cafe. To the right is the lounge. The cafe floor is multi-colored with tiles. The tiles have deep earthy colors. The counter runs like an L through the cafe. Along the left wall is where they keep the coffee. They are stored in beautiful golden holders. They look antique. On the counter infront of that wall are the machines to make the coffee. The long L part of the counter is where they have food and where they get bagles ready.

Behind that part of the counter is another room where the cooking that requires a stove is done. It is where breakfast and sandwiches are made. That room has bright white colors. The faces that dwell back there pop out to see the man next to me. They are happy and like his hat. I thought that was funny.

Facing towords entrance is a small section that has self serve coffee in thermuses.

Now we venture to the lounge. It's a cool place. Most coffee houses try to do the homey thing where it's inviting and they want you to stay for hours on end. This place actually accomplishes that. There is a fire place in the far left corner. Next to it are two peach colored arm chairs that look as inviting as a story book picture. On the wall next to it is a green sofa. That is also a comfortable place. Throughout the room are several tables and chairs. I think if all of those chairs were full it would be as packed as it could get. Before the sofa and fire place you have to go down a ramp. On the wall of the ramp is a section of pictures. They are pictures of customers and drawings that young children have done. At least I am hoping they were done by younger people.

After that are two tables seperated by two large windows. When the some comes into the room it truely seems like a home rather than a coffee shop. Spirits are lifted and generally a good vibe is felt. Wheather it is from caffiene in insain amounts or the sunshine I don't know. I just know I want to stay there and eat a bagle. (which are phanominal by the way)

On the wall facing the stairs is a bathroom. Several tables are scattered in the are as well. The other wall has a beautiful stain glass window of yellow and orange blocks. When the sun comes in through there a calmer mood seems to take place, but it is still a happy one.

Things I forgot:
Drive through window in Cafe
The stairs to the emergancy exit in Lounge
The wall with the menu in cafe
What's on the menu
The refridgerater along the wall in the cafe(for pops etc.)

Photos on last Blog

With this blog I went with the feeling of the place. I thought that was an important because the feeling is a big part of the coffee house. The colors I thought were a big thing to that. The colors were lively yet relaxing. I thought this made for a very homey and comfortable setting so I made that my focus.

I may be biased because I think coffee houses are a good and normally safe place. Also being a nineteen year old female I may be bias.

The fire place

The fireplace rests in a corner. There is a lamp next to it. The two orange chairs each have tables next them. They are set up so that if two people choose to have a conversation they can be face to face or have their privacy. It is the part of the room that the eye is first drawn to even though it's in a corner. It sets the tone of the entire lounge.

THe only conflict I can see it creating is too many people want to sit there.
It is important because it really makes the place feel like home.

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