Monday, February 25, 2008

Inside the Mt Cup

So here is the deal with the photos. The outside sofa, while dirty was just interesting to me. I bet it is a big hit in the spring.

The bookshelf is next to the fireplace. It is just a very homey setting.

The stairway is going up to Motini's, it's the first thing you see when you walk in the door.

I did the floor because the colors also help the homey feel. The dog was also a plus.

The photo witht he ATM is the best angle I was able to get of the cafe section since they don't want the one wall taken. You can also see the drive through window in the back.

The menu just shows that they have a LOT to offer. In it is Alyse Dionne. I like that you can get a small coffee for three dollars then a full meal for $3.25.

The rest of the photos have paintings and photos that decorate the Mt Cup. They, like the green sofa, are just another way to make the place homey.

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